The 8 Types of Mindfulness Companies

February 11, 2023


In recent years, mindfulness has become increasingly ubiquitous, leading to the growth of many mindfulness companies. While many people have heard of mindfulness, not everyone understands what it is, what it entails, and the different types of companies that are dedicated to it.

In this article, we dive into the growth of mindfulness and the different kinds of mindfulness companies developing. We also examine mindfulness and meditation workplace statistics behind the industry and share examples of different types of organizations promoting mindfulness in the workplace. Our aim is to share a holistic overview of the types of mindfulness companies you can consider engaging with.

Why are Mindfulness Companies on the Rise?

The trend of mindfulness and meditation has grown rapidly since Jon Kabat Zinn brought mindfulness to the United States in 1979, and now, corporations, healthcare institutions and institutions have expansive company-wide mindfulness programs.

Mindfulness companies have seen a significant rise in recent years due to the growing recognition of mindfulness as a tool for improving mental and emotional well-being. In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, people are struggling to cope with the demands of daily life, leading to increased levels of stress and burnout. Not to mention the alleged decreasing size of the human attention span.

Mindfulness has been shown to foster stronger workplace cultures and drive mental wellbeing. This has led more companies, including big names such as Google, Nike, and Goldman Sachs, to adopt mindfulness practices in their workplace. Research showed that mindfulness activities in the workplace led to a 10% increase in employee performance and an 11% increase in employee communication skills.

Here is more information on mindfulness and meditation workplace statistics that we verified with (IOSM) Institute for Organizational Science and Mindfulness, an organization that offers company-wide mindfulness training programs:


  • 25% reduction in stress
  • 18% increase in memory
  • 11% increase in focus


  • 28% reduction in stress
  • 4 hours/employee monthly productivity gain
  • $3,000/employee annual healthcare savings

Dow Chemical

  • 30% reduction in stress
  • 15% increase in engagement
  • $22,000 productivity per employee


  • 90% reported improved awareness
  • 80% reported stress reduction
  • 63% reported improved life-balance


  • 37% reduction in stress
  • 19% increase in focus
  • 11% increase in mental agility


  • 30% increase in focus
  • 25% decrease in multi-tasking
  • 17% decrease in distractions


  • 32% increase in focus
  • 19% decrease in multi-tasking
  • 32% increase in efficiency

General Mills

  • 93% reported improved innovation
  • 89% reported improved self-awareness
  • 70% reported improvement in cognition

Companies have embraced corporate mindfulness to increase employee energy, positivity, productivity, awareness, and creativity. Increased health consciousness has fueled the growth of the wellness industry, and mindfulness is one of the fastest-growing health trends in America. The demand for wellness offerings has increased exponentially, especially during the pandemic.

Here are the main reasons:

  1. Corporate & healthcare adoption: Large companies like Aetna, SAP, and The Johns Hopkins Hospital have adopted mindfulness as a tool and skill to leverage. 
  2. Increased stress levels: With the fast-paced lifestyle and the pressures of modern living, many people are feeling more stressed and overwhelmed. Mindfulness practices offer a way to manage stress and promote mental well-being.
  3. Growing awareness of mental health: There is a greater understanding of the importance of mental health and the impact it has on overall well-being. People are seeking out mindfulness and wellness practices as a way to improve their mental health.
  4. Technological advancements: The growth of technology has made it easier for people to access mindfulness and wellness resources. There are now many apps and online resources that offer guided meditation and mindfulness exercises, making it convenient for people to practice mindfulness in their daily lives.
  5. Scientific evidence: There is significant growth of scientific evidence that mindfulness practices can have a positive impact on mental and physical health. This has helped to legitimize the field and increase its popularity.

Types of Mindfulness Companies

There are several types of mindfulness companies, including mindfulness meditation apps, wellness startups, and mindfulness training organizations. Each type of company offers different solutions for individuals looking to incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives.

  1. Corporate Mindfulness

    In recent years, mindfulness has become increasingly popular in the corporate world. Mindful corporations are organizations that promote and incorporate mindfulness into their workplace culture. These companies believe that a mindfulness practice can improve employee well-being, increase productivity, and enhance overall workplace culture.

    Mindful corporations offer a variety of internal programs, such as mindfulness workshops, yoga and meditation classes, and stress management programs, often with a full-time team focused on mindfulness. They also promote a workplace culture that values mindfulness, and encourage employees to take time to practice mindfulness during their workday. The list above outlines corporations that have adopted mindfulness.
  1. Mindfulness Meditation Apps and Startups

    One of the most popular types of mindfulness companies are mindfulness meditation apps. These apps offer guided meditations, as well as various tools and techniques that help users develop their mindfulness skills. Some popular mindfulness meditation apps include Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer. These apps often have a variety of different meditation sessions and features that cater to specific needs, such as stress relief in a variety of ways, mindful meeting prompts, sleep improvement coaching, and mindfulness for schools K-12 and beyond.
  1. Mindfulness Training Organizations and Institutions

    Mindfulness institutions, such as (IOSM) Institute for Organizational Science and Mindfulness, are organizations dedicated to researching, promoting, and teaching mindfulness practices. These institutions offer a range of services, including training programs, train-the-trainer programs, workshops, and retreats, designed to help individuals and organizations operationalize and leverage mindfulness.
  1. Mindfulness Coaches, Teachers, and Facilitators

    Mindfulness coaches are professional trainers and educators who specialize in teaching mindfulness practices and techniques to individuals and organizations. These coaches can help you develop a personalized mindfulness practice that suits your individual needs and preferences, as well as provide you with the tools and techniques you need to overcome stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.
  1. Mindfulness Retreat Centers and Offerings

    Centers offer immersive mindfulness experiences, such as workshops, retreats, and intensive training programs. They provide an environment where people can learn and practice mindfulness, and also interact with like-minded individuals.

    They are often located in scenic locations, such as beaches, mountains, or forests, to create a peaceful and conducive atmosphere. Some popular mindfulness retreat centers include Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Omega Institute, and Shambhala Mountain Center.
  1. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in Healthcare

    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is popular in healthcare and offers evidence-based mindfulness programs for people struggling with stress, anxiety, or chronic pain. These programs are based on the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, who developed the MBSR program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

    MBSR centers offer group classes, workshops, and retreats, and their programs are designed to help individuals develop a regular mindfulness practice, learn coping skills, and reduce stress and anxiety. Over 700 clinics, medical centers, and hospitals around the world offer mindfulness.
  1. Mindfulness Media

    Mindful media is an emerging sector in the mindfulness industry that provides a platform for individuals to access and engage with various forms of mindfulness content. One of the leading players in this space is, which is an online resource that provides a wealth of information on mindfulness, meditation, and related topics.

    Furthermore, there are hundreds of popular blogs covering mindfulness with millions of followers. It is interesting to note that media companies are also now launching their own programs and offerings for consumers and businesses.
  1. Mindful Venture Capital

    As the mindfulness industry continues to grow, a new sector has emerged: mindful venture capital. This refers to the practice of investing in startups and companies that are dedicated to promoting mindfulness and wellness.

    Mindful venture capital firms are recognizing the potential of the mindfulness industry to have a positive impact on both individuals and society as a whole. By investing in startups that are developing innovative products and services in the mindfulness space, they are helping to drive growth and development in the industry.

Find Your Perfect Mindfulness Company

For this reason, indfulness has become a popular practice, and this has resulted in the growth of many different types of mindfulness companies. Whether it's through mindfulness meditation apps, mindfulness retreat centers, MBSR centers, or mindful corporations, there's a mindfulness company out there to suit each organization's needs and preferences. So, if you're interested in developing mindfulness skills, there's never been a better time to get started.

Here at MindfulText, we are offering an innovative and science-backed way to bring mindfulness to people. Are you curious about what kind of mindfulness organization you should engage with? Contact our team at m (at) mindfultext (dot) com for a personalized recommendation.

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